How to use BILDERFINDER's professional cliparts?
First a short introduction what vectors can and then how to get them into Illustrator, Freehand, Flash, CorelDraw and Photoshop.


BILDERFINDER's cliparts – by example – appear like this blob. Recognize that you can see the background through the hole in the middle.

You can change the colour.
You can add colour to the outline.

You can only colour the outline.

If you break up the combination of the vectors, you get two parts of the blob: the inner and the outer. Then you can do this.


In the magnification you can see
the points which join the vectors:


You can change the shape
by pulling at the points handles:


How to get BILDERFINDER's cliparts into Illustrator, Freehand, Flash, CorelDraw and Photoshop

First you must download the .ZIP (Windows) or .SIT (MAC) and extract them with WinZip (WIN) or StuffIt Expander (MAC).

On MAC or WIN, the fileending .AI says that it is an Illustrator file. You can open it choosing 'file – open ...'
In Illustrator, the vectors are called paths.

Macromedia Freehand:
On MAC or WIN you can open files ending with .AI choosing 'file – open ...' or 'file – import ...' The graphics appear grouped and you must ungroup them before changing colour.
In Freehand, the vectors are called paths.

Macromedia Flash:
On MAC or WIN you can open files ending with .AI choosing 'file – import ...' The graphics appear grouped and you must ungroup them before changing colour.
In Flash, the vectors are called paths.

On MAC or WIN you can open files ending with .CDR choosing 'file – open ...' . Files ending with .AI you can open choosing 'file – import ...' . The graphics appear combined.
In CorelDraw, the vectors are called curves.

On MAC or WIN, you can open files ending with .AI choosing 'file – open ...' . Then you must choose the solution in dpi because Photoshop converts the graphics into bitmaps, but: if you open the graphics in Illustrator, Freehand or CorelDraw you can copy them and paste into an opened Photoshopfile, then you must decide if you paste them an bitmaps or vectors. When you choose vectors you will find them in the vector palette. Photoshop6 is the best tool to work both wit bitmaps and vectors.

Read what is the difference between vectors and bitmapstopback